Whew! It's amazing to see how much art and play can be fit into two weeks! What a ride... I wanted to share some of the images here to celebrate not only the beautiful artwork, but the enthusiasm for creating that all the artists brought every day!
We felt very committed to creating a program where the children were in a process art based learning environment. The ideas and use of materials and process to create streams of connections throughout the weeks were our primary concern, along with the fun of integrating multiple artistic processes. By planting the seeds of contemporary art theories, we knew that their individual greater thinking skills would be nurtured.
In addition, 4 days each week, the children had yoga and creative writing. During both of these times our creative art goals were again being nurtured. Ali Stevenson did a amazing job during creative writing and storytelling, developing ideas and having fun with telling stories without the pressures of academics. Susan LeClair our yoga instructor, helped their bodies, mind and spirits, playfully guiding them into poses to help them focus, think, and relax.
After a few weeks away from the craziness, the next thoughts move into how to support the community with a creative space during the school year for all school ages-elementary through high school. One thought is a weekend intensive on a monthly basis with a specific area of study.