Sunday, September 30, 2012

Matisse Madness

Using Henri Matisse as an example, students cut out a variety of shapes (some defined and others self-defined) to create a collage. The shapes were glued down to create a collage that allowed students to draw on their knowledge of colors, shapes, and fine-motor skills. Emphasis was placed on creating excitement and movement (aka PIZZAZZ); therefore, the end results have an abstract feeling. The students learned about the importance of the primary colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

And all that jazzzz.....

Second graders looked at Wassily Kandinsky’s compositional paintings. The classes discussed the layers that he used to create a mood. His paintings express rhythms and patterns to express energy and movement. As the students listed to Jazz, they created layers of paint, paper and glue that built into a completed work. The class discussed how the similarities between musical and visual compositions. Go ahead and listen!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Seeing Music

Inspired by the artist Wassily Kandisnsky, first and second-graders drew lines while listening to Bach. We discussed how lines can be used to “draw” different types of sound and music. After drawing to the music, the students used tissue paper and watercolors to fill in the background, allowing their lines to “sing!”