Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Heads!

Yellow + Red = Pumpkin Head! The first week of the project, the students learned how to mix yellow and red paint to make orange. Focus was on painting the whole page, holding the paint brush correctly and mixing colors. In the following weeks, the students cut out pumpkins from their orange painting and decorated using black, green, and brown paper. The class discussed the use of facial expressions to tell how someone, or some pumpkin, was feeling. 

Apple Trees

This mixed media project started with painting the blue sky "like the breeze." The students were introduced to Mr. Paintbrush and the ways that we treat art materials. After painting the sky, the students used glue water to create tree bark out of tissue bark and brown construction paper. At the next art class, they were introduced to printmaking, using sponges to create the leaves and corks to print the apples.